To see who's written what, look at each article header or enter the author's name into the search box on the right.
Charlotte Wright is a 16-year-old who absolutely loves the humanities, particularly geography. She is an enthusiastic member of her school council and frequently listens to debates that are broadcasted on the radio. She enjoys every type of creative writing and has had three poems published. Her aim in life is to become a high school teacher that specialises in the humanities. She also loves high adrenaline activities such as kayaking, white water rafting, dry skiing and free climbing which she takes part in on a regular basis.
Chris Pearson lives in Australia and enjoys learning about a wide array of topics - specifically, economics and business. However, he also likes maths, writing, history and good literature. He believes that the world’s biggest problems are poverty, food and energy security and widespread disease (such as AIDS and malaria) and thinks that if humans are going to resolve these problems, it is not going to be through aid, although current aid needs to be better directed, but through sustainable, self-driven economic solutions.
Clemency Flitter loves writing and won last year's NaNoWriMo (she hopes to take part again this year). She finds politics and history inspiring and thinks they go very much hand in hand as she believes that we can always try to learn from others' mistakes (it's less messy than making them ourselves, she says). She also loves philosophy and psychology and is a self-proclaimed "dreamer".
Deepa Mathew is a 16 year old pursuing Maths, Further Maths, Economics and French at A-Level. She relishes discovering new bands and books as well as playing around with characters to create 'fan fiction'. But the hobby she enjoys above all others? Taking a siesta in the afternoon :)
Daniel Hearn developed a love for economics at a young age and is thrilled to get the opportunity to convey his passion and thoughts through blog posts. He thoroughly enjoys all aspects of economics and aspires to work within the field of financial markets. He finds himself enthralled by the maths side of economics and is fascinated by the fact that economics is a contemporary subject, in which new ideas emerge daily.
Eyrie Clark is an aspiring politician from Ontario, Canada. If you ever ask what he thinks of 'Why did the chicken cross the road?', you may get more than you bet on. From a young age, Eyrie has been greatly interested in politics and the political process, and his life's goal is to become the youngest-ever Prime Minister of Canada. He is an avid reader of the fantasy genre, and he occasionally pens his own stories from time to time. He is interested not only in politics and economics, but also psychology, in how the human mind can affect both of those things. Elected Grade Nine Representative in his School Council, Eyrie's favourite pastimes are reading from his wide collection of books, or going online to watch The Young Turks!
Hannah Gent is interested in learning more about economics. She is also interested in history and has recently started to look at psychology. She looks forward to the future and believes that the best thing we can all do is to just be ourselves. 'Don't feel stupid if you don't like what everyone else pretends to love' - Emma Watson.
Izak Kallumpram is an 18 year old student from Manchester, England. He has held strong enthusiasm for economics for many years and hopes to study the subject at university. In particular, he enjoys behavioural economics and the effect it has in revolutionising the way in which economic theory is analysed and utilised. He is also fascinated by the interaction of economics in sport and the way in which game theory and management techniques can be witnessed in sport on a regular basis. He enjoys travelling to new countries to experience different cultures and see how diverse the way of life can be from one place to another.
Jaime Bravo is a student living in Madrid, Spain. He enjoys international economics and is involved in the study of the role of multinationals in developing countries and how trade can be useful for development. He is the youngest member of Economistas Frente a la Crisis (Economists Against the Crisis) a group of economists (including former Ministers of Spain and former presidents of public institutions such as Red Eléctrica de España) who think that there is an alternative to the orthodox policies. He has a blog ( and is a contributor to the leading Spanish newspaper, EL PAÍS, on issues of economic development. He aligns himself mostly with Keynesian economics and aspires to study economics in the UK.
James Wand is a contributor to the Guardian website and a passionate member of the Labour Party. His interests lie in law and history but span to education, where he believes a comprehensive, equal and accessible system is what can fuel growth. An Osborne critic, he believes that the key to economic growth is a strong public sector. He is very opinionated, and is a firm believer that it is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.
Karen Birnie is a 17-year-old student from the south of England. Karen is a budding medical student as well as avid tea drinker. When she's not drinking tea or trying to get into medical school, she's either painting, reading, or having a heated debate...most likely the latter. Her interests lie in psychology, philosophy, and science, along with the more unexpected topics of art, linguistics and politics. Writing for The Teen Economists is a great way to focus these interests and learn more along the way.
Karina Shooter is interested in economics and the vital part it plays in our daily lives. In addition to mathematical and economics based subjects, she also loves learning languages and is currently studying E&M at Oxford. She feels that the study of economics and languages compliment each other because economics is a topic which has a global effect and she believes that countries must work together in order to resolve the current economic crisis. Writing for this blog will enable her to learn more about economics and ensure that she is at the forefront of all financial updates.
Krupa Popat is a 17 year old girl with a passion for economics. She's currently studying the subject at Richmond Upon Thames College alongside maths, English Language and French. She does gymnastics and enjoys coaching younger children alongside working for a clothing store. She loves helping people and seeing them grow, as well as making her local community a better place with the actions she does.
Pavandeep Virdee is a 15 year old student who is very interested in philosophy. She finds it fascinating that it can teach us to have the capacity to question the infinite concepts of the world around us - even with our finite human minds! As an avid listener of BBC Radio 4, she loves to listen and gain knowledge in a variety of subjects - ranging from the in-depth analysis of Britain’s legal system, to the comical discussions of the Universe with Professor Brian Cox. She is currently learning how to master the complexity of Jazz improvisation on the Saxophone and cites listening to the remarkable talents of Wynton Marsalis as her motivation for this challenging task.

Salma Rana likes to read anything and everything. She’s particularly interested in psychology and philosophy. She also enjoys debating and is thrilled over being able to share her ideas through articles. She believes that you shouldn't spend your time trying to impress other people but instead do what you love, and love what you do.
Shireen Avasthi is pretty easy to identify as the girl who is always holding the black sketchbook. She loves creating short films and playing cricket. She finds that writing articles helps her to learn new things and improve her skills. She finds researching modern technology, modern medicine and human psychology intriguing. She believes that reading quotes of intellectual people will one day make her an intellectual, too (but it probably won't!). By the way, she's not Canadian.
Shivani Maru is lives in Dubai and is studying Economics, History and Arabic A levels. Since her early teenage years she has had a strong interest in the world that she lives in following current affairs programmes on the television and reading newspapers and journals, such as 'The Economist’ with interest. She also firmly believes that education should not be a privilege – it can help change the economy for the better in many ways. She loves to travel and discover new places. She finds the thrill of discovering new places such a great experience. Her best advice would be to always be yourself, because you know what? There's no one better.
Sparshita Dey loves theoretical science and maths and finds pure concepts, derivations and core understandings fascinating for all subjects. She enjoys researching into space related topics and keeping up with the latest news in the human quest to find out about the wonderful, mysterious worlds beyond our own. She thinks that this blog is a great way to regularize her attentions to this research and continue learning from them and to share her new knowledge with other enthusiasts.
Viva Avasthi is the Founder of The Teen Economists. She is in her first year studying economics at the University of Cambridge. She is interested in economics, history, maths, philosophy, psychology and pretty much everything (though those are her absolute favourites to ponder over).
We would really love some more contributions. Are you guys feeling shy or something? We're all novices here so don't feel intimidated - you'll fit in perfectly!
Become an amazing contributor - we don't care whether you're writing from America, Russia, Brazil or the UK - wherever you are, log into your email account and start sending us your brilliant thoughts to:
Deepa Mathew is a 16 year old pursuing Maths, Further Maths, Economics and French at A-Level. She relishes discovering new bands and books as well as playing around with characters to create 'fan fiction'. But the hobby she enjoys above all others? Taking a siesta in the afternoon :)
Eyrie Clark is an aspiring politician from Ontario, Canada. If you ever ask what he thinks of 'Why did the chicken cross the road?', you may get more than you bet on. From a young age, Eyrie has been greatly interested in politics and the political process, and his life's goal is to become the youngest-ever Prime Minister of Canada. He is an avid reader of the fantasy genre, and he occasionally pens his own stories from time to time. He is interested not only in politics and economics, but also psychology, in how the human mind can affect both of those things. Elected Grade Nine Representative in his School Council, Eyrie's favourite pastimes are reading from his wide collection of books, or going online to watch The Young Turks!
Hannah Gent is interested in learning more about economics. She is also interested in history and has recently started to look at psychology. She looks forward to the future and believes that the best thing we can all do is to just be ourselves. 'Don't feel stupid if you don't like what everyone else pretends to love' - Emma Watson.
Izak Kallumpram is an 18 year old student from Manchester, England. He has held strong enthusiasm for economics for many years and hopes to study the subject at university. In particular, he enjoys behavioural economics and the effect it has in revolutionising the way in which economic theory is analysed and utilised. He is also fascinated by the interaction of economics in sport and the way in which game theory and management techniques can be witnessed in sport on a regular basis. He enjoys travelling to new countries to experience different cultures and see how diverse the way of life can be from one place to another.
James Wand is a contributor to the Guardian website and a passionate member of the Labour Party. His interests lie in law and history but span to education, where he believes a comprehensive, equal and accessible system is what can fuel growth. An Osborne critic, he believes that the key to economic growth is a strong public sector. He is very opinionated, and is a firm believer that it is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.
Karen Birnie is a 17-year-old student from the south of England. Karen is a budding medical student as well as avid tea drinker. When she's not drinking tea or trying to get into medical school, she's either painting, reading, or having a heated debate...most likely the latter. Her interests lie in psychology, philosophy, and science, along with the more unexpected topics of art, linguistics and politics. Writing for The Teen Economists is a great way to focus these interests and learn more along the way.
Krupa Popat is a 17 year old girl with a passion for economics. She's currently studying the subject at Richmond Upon Thames College alongside maths, English Language and French. She does gymnastics and enjoys coaching younger children alongside working for a clothing store. She loves helping people and seeing them grow, as well as making her local community a better place with the actions she does.
Magdalena Paczocha is a 17-year-old living in London. Future social scientist. She is interested in economics, philosophy, sociology, politics and international relations. Her favourite quote, "I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" by Albert Einstein, describes her perfectly. Mag's biggest passion are people. She looks for hidden meanings behind choices and decisions and believes that everything happens for a reason and the only right answer to any question is "it depends". She loves being around passionate, ambitious and humorous people as well as spending evenings on her own diving into a good book.
Pavandeep Virdee is a 15 year old student who is very interested in philosophy. She finds it fascinating that it can teach us to have the capacity to question the infinite concepts of the world around us - even with our finite human minds! As an avid listener of BBC Radio 4, she loves to listen and gain knowledge in a variety of subjects - ranging from the in-depth analysis of Britain’s legal system, to the comical discussions of the Universe with Professor Brian Cox. She is currently learning how to master the complexity of Jazz improvisation on the Saxophone and cites listening to the remarkable talents of Wynton Marsalis as her motivation for this challenging task.
Ravisha Sarupria is a 15 year old teenager from India in the 10th grade who absolutely loves music, books, movies, writing and history. She believes that problems and sadness are a part of life and must be enjoyed as they come. She also believes that though separated by distances, the thinking and the problems faced by teenagers are almost the same all over the world. She loves cooking and wants to study about it in future. She dreams to have a happening life with a mixture of friends, family, enemies, happiness and sadness all in equal proportion.

Salma Rana likes to read anything and everything. She’s particularly interested in psychology and philosophy. She also enjoys debating and is thrilled over being able to share her ideas through articles. She believes that you shouldn't spend your time trying to impress other people but instead do what you love, and love what you do.

Shivani Maru is lives in Dubai and is studying Economics, History and Arabic A levels. Since her early teenage years she has had a strong interest in the world that she lives in following current affairs programmes on the television and reading newspapers and journals, such as 'The Economist’ with interest. She also firmly believes that education should not be a privilege – it can help change the economy for the better in many ways. She loves to travel and discover new places. She finds the thrill of discovering new places such a great experience. Her best advice would be to always be yourself, because you know what? There's no one better.
We would really love some more contributions. Are you guys feeling shy or something? We're all novices here so don't feel intimidated - you'll fit in perfectly!
Become an amazing contributor - we don't care whether you're writing from America, Russia, Brazil or the UK - wherever you are, log into your email account and start sending us your brilliant thoughts to: