Future Articles

Look out for these upcoming articles:



Publishing Date

On Profits

The Ideas of Joseph A. Schumpeter

Why did Jean Tirole win the Nobel Prize?
Viva Avasthi

Viva Avasthi

Viva Avasthi



Please note that the information provided is subject to change because we are sometimes far too busy with homework and examinations. We will try to ensure that we publish as close to the aforementioned dates as possible. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello dear authors. I am a Ph.D. student from India. I am happy to see young students like yourselves trying to come to grips with the Economics of perceives reality that we humans must experience.

    Experience tells me that young minds are subject to evolutionary outlooks. I hope that you appreciate the complexity that economic and largely the social reality throws at you all.

    My name is Bhagirath Baria. Please feel free to communicate with me. Whatever little I understand about Social reality, I shall fully share with you.

    God bless you (given that it exists and has conscious will).

    Bhagirath Baria.


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